It's times like these that the internet makes me most happy. When
respectable online publications publish entertaining and interesting stories about the world's hardest Sudoku puzzle, you'd at least expect them to give you a link to it, or a picture of it. Oh, yes, you guessed it. They don't. But I couldn't find it anywhere! So I undustriously hunted, and eventually found the secret formula hidden away in an ASCII-like tomb of Sudoku knowledge. And now, for the first time in propper format, and luckily without any further ado (read the real reporter's background
here), I give you AL Escargot, the hardest rated Sudoku puzzle to date:
Posted by the yak on Tuesday, November 07, 2006 at 4:18 AM | Permalink | Comments (453) 
This is the same sudoku I found from finnish newspaper Kaleva. I'm sorry I don't have a date. Anyway, here is parts of the story translated and parts from description of his book AI sudoku - Maailman vaikein sudoku (in english: AI sudoku - The worlds hardest sudoku).
Finnish doctor of mathematics Arto Inkala has developed world hardest (known) sudoku. The name of the sudoku is AI Etana. "AI" comes from his name initials. "Etana" ("Snail" in english) comes from the look of the sudoku. It looks like snail. Solving the problem is also slow, like snail.
He spent three months at developing it. The chain of deduction (if this is the correct term) is maximum of eight.
Ossi Herrala
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:19 AM
It's quite funny that the newspaper article I refer to that gives the details translated the name to AL Escargot, an infinitely more recogniseable word, but still a fabricated name!
Posted by
the yak |
9:17 AM
My program can confirm it's hard. It takes recursion/backtracking 8 levels deep to find the single solution. Thanks! I really needed a good test case. I certainly wouldn't like to solve it by hand.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:21 AM
Thanks for the challenge.
This puzzle can be completed with
yes for 1$ US this puzzle and 36500 others can be solved and proved.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:21 AM
i believe it must be difficult. i tried it using my MS Excel Sudoku SOlver (it's available at I had to make ten 50-50 trials, four of them are wrong. I finished the puzzle at 6 levels deep. The hardest so far among the Sudokus that I tried.
My MS Excel file is actually just a guide, simplifying some logics.
-bobby ramos
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:29 PM
Sweet, thank you.
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:53 PM
Has anyone actually solved this by hand?
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:41 PM
hey i solved it within 20 minutes.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:30 AM
it is just a hype
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:30 AM
i m from india, male 21. i dont have mathematics background. even then it did not seem to me the toughest as everybody say it to be.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:32 AM
IT'S NOT A AL Escargot
IT IS A AI Escargot
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:04 PM
Here is my solution for the hardest Sudoku! done manually and got it right first time within 2 hours!
1 6 2 8 5 7 4 9 3
5 3 4 1 2 9 6 7 8
7 8 9 6 4 3 5 2 1
4 7 5 3 1 2 9 8 6
9 1 3 5 8 6 7 4 2
6 2 8 7 9 4 1 3 5
3 5 6 4 7 8 2 1 9
2 4 1 9 3 5 8 6 7
8 9 7 2 6 1 3 5 4
Posted by
Unknown |
9:41 AM
i solved it in 15 minutes by hand! there are much more difficult sudokus. if a 12 year old with an IQ of 158/160 like me can solve the worlds hardest sudoku, then its not really the worlds hardest sudoku
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:57 AM
hello, I'm French, 18. I cannot think that it's the more difficult sudoku in the world.. I solved it in 20 minutes...
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:10 PM
Using my rather naive solver, it brute-forces to
1 6 2 | 8 5 7 | 4 9 3
5 3 4 | 1 2 9 | 6 7 8
7 8 9 | 6 4 3 | 5 2 1
4 7 5 | 3 1 2 | 9 8 6
9 1 3 | 5 8 6 | 7 4 2
6 2 8 | 7 9 4 | 1 3 5
3 5 6 | 4 7 8 | 2 1 9
2 4 1 | 9 3 5 | 8 6 7
8 9 7 | 2 6 1 | 3 5 4
in only 12k backtracks.
Much harder:
x x x | x x x | x x x
x 1 x | 6 2 x | x 9 x
x x 2 | x x 9 | 3 1 x
x x 4 | x x 6 | x 8 x
x x 8 | 7 x 2 | 1 x x
x 3 x | 8 x x | 5 x x
x 6 9 | 1 x x | 4 x x
x 8 x | x 7 3 | x 5 x
x x x | x x x | x x x
49k backtracks.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:32 PM
Took me about 15 min... how disappointing if this *IS* the hardest.
Posted by
Steven Sashen |
3:52 PM
Hi, Can anyone tellme if this can be solving without making a guess? If so, how do you find the next value after putting 1 in row 8 / Column 3?
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:46 AM
Definitely not the hardest I've ever done. I did it by hand in about an hour.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:42 PM
You have to guess to solve the puzzle. That is BS. What is the hardest puzzle without guessing? That is a real puzzle. Anyone can find their way home if they guess which street to take. Eventually all roads lead home.
Posted by
Brian Beausoleil |
8:09 AM
Although this is a tough puzzle (I admit, it took me almost six hours to solve), it is not a true Sudoku. Sudoku's MUST by symmetrical. Therefore, this puzzle can not be deemed the world's hardest Sudoku.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:45 AM
That not AI Escargot, this is:
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:14 AM
No, The sudoku given here is the real AI Escargot (the link above is NOT Escargot)!
There seems to lot of smart people who claims they can solve this in very short time by hand. So WHAT IS THE NEXT STEP TAKEN AFTER PUTTING THE NUMBER 1 IN H3??? (first move is obivious since 1 is single in a colum 3) least explain how do you eliminate next number?
YOU DON't have to quess if Sudoku has only one solution!! And Escargot has! You can at least prove that if choosing one number out of two (or more) possibilities the next logical moves lead to constradiction (When all branches are checked) and thus you can eliminate this number without making any quesses!! What do you mean that real sudoku has to be symmetrical (anonymous above)?
Brute forcing Sudokos with simple algorithms doesn't tell anything about their difficulties. The Above example (49k backtracks) solves easily by using simple Sudoku strategies but Escargot doesn't!
My quess is that these people that are solving sudokus in very short time are using quessing strategies. But they have no proof then that their solution is the one and only! If you can prove in 20 minutes that Escargot has only one solutions (this is what you normally do when solving analytically) then you deserve real respect!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:51 AM
Correction for the post above..What is the third step you can make in Escargot since you can use "Finned Sword-Fish" strategy as a second step to eliminate 9:s in the corners of the lower/middle box??
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:11 AM
Okey...seems that Escargot and some other as difficult Sudokus can be solved step by step with Sudoku Explainer 1.2. without any bruteforcing, backtracting, quessing etc. It just takes some time solving the first steps. Problem can be solved by using some advanced forcing chains techniques (like nested Forcing chain) Its it's also said that "if nesting depth is not limited, technique "Nested" forcing chains can solve any Sudoku". (Explainer only implements one level of nesting)
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:40 PM
There is another solution:
168 457 293
534 129 768
729 638 541
475 312 986
913 586 472
682 974 135
397 265 814
241 893 657
856 741 329
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:02 PM
^^No there isn't other solution!!!
Your version is not Escargot since it has number 6 in lower left box (J3) instead of 7.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:15 PM
If AI Escargot is easy, why don't you try this instead. By hand, without solver that uses backtracting!
9 x x | x x 1 | 8 x x
x 6 x | x 3 x | x x x
x x 2 | 5 x x | x x 7
x x 9 | x x x | x x 6
x 5 x | x x x | x 2 x
4 x x | x x x | 3 x x
3 x x | x x 8 | 1 x x
x x x | x 4 x | x 8 x
x x 7 | 9 x x | x x 5
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:36 PM
162 | 857 | 493
534 | 129 | 678
789 | 643 | 521
475 | 312 | 986
913 | 586 | 742
628 | 794 | 135
356 | 478 | 219
241 | 935 | 867
897 | 261 | 354
Thats the solution!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:41 PM
to all sudoku fans out there.. mga hydrocephalus kayo... your heads are full of air.. baka liparin kayo papuntang atmosphere!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:25 AM
If you're interested how to solve this puzzle then you can see how my XSLT 2.0 solution does it here:
As you can see after inserting the 1 it does need to backtrack, but it might be of use to someone to see where it goes from there.
As I said at the bottom of that post - if anyone has technique to statically determine more than just the initial 1, then please let me know.
Posted by
Andrew Welch |
3:42 AM
Here's another solution for Al Escargot
154 | 837 | 296
736 | 529 | 148
289 | 641 | 573
475 | 362 | 981
913 | 785 | 462
628 | 914 | 735
362 | 478 | 619
541 | 293 | 857
897 | 156 | 324
Got it in an hour :)
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:06 PM
2 six dans la 7ème ligne, ça n'est pas une solution... bien tenté
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:59 AM
translation : 2 six in the 7th row is a good try !!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:03 AM
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:09 PM
this is savas from turkey .
162 857 493
534 129 678
789 643 521
475 312 986
913 586 742
628 794 135
356 478 219
241 935 867
897 261 354
Posted by
zull |
7:26 AM
Anyone know why Sudoku Explainer 1.2 reports that AI Escargot is valid and has a unique solution, but there are two distinct solutions posted here?
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:46 AM
look closer at those "solutions" posted. one of them is not correct because one number is off from the original (row 6 column 4) should be 9, but is 7 in the last post! :-P
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:27 PM
Right - I noticed the problem on that one, but this one looked OK to me initially:
154 | 837 | 296
736 | 529 | 148
289 | 641 | 573
475 | 362 | 981
913 | 785 | 462
628 | 914 | 735
362 | 478 | 619
541 | 293 | 857
897 | 156 | 324
But then I looked closer and foudn the two "6" entries in row 7.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:30 AM will solve the puzzle using Javascript logic/brute force combination in about a minute on an up-to-date machine (the Javascript wants to quit several times, however, believing itself to be in a loop).
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:24 PM
A solver which is part of an online program written as a JAVA applet solved it in 19 seconds.
This program is at
It took me 20 minutes...with fewer backtracks (better guesses at choice points?) solve it by hand.
Posted by
TheWilly |
1:01 PM
The best way to solve this puzzle by hand is to see that the 3rd column only has 6 possible solutions (by looking at the numbers given and all the available possibilities):
One of the six possible answers to this column, when plugged into the original puzzle, give the unique solution.
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:29 PM
That was tricky. I give up. My brain is not working today.
Learn how to solve Sudoku Puzzles with little effort
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:06 AM
took the brute force program that i wrote, 8911 backtracks, obviously less than the 12k backtracks it took the other guy.
for the harder puzzle he posted, it took mine, 30598 backtracks.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:49 PM
4 backtracks using full look ahead and arc consistency
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:39 AM
I'm new to Sudoku, but after doing about 15 easy ones on paper, I fell into a strategy that seems to work for any of them. I googled "hardest sudoku" and found this one, it took me an hour and nine minutes on paper. I was truly disappointed. I expected something hard.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:17 AM
my solver took 9 secs to finish off escargot...without backtracks.
For the 'harder' one a guy posted, took it 0.5 secs, and took it 4 secs for the third listed in comments. (p.s. 1 sec is a loooooong time alrd)
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:29 AM
Well for us brave ones who use brain and a pencil, it can be solved almost intirely by x-wing, so once you figure that our it's chick chack. The hardest ones are the ones where all the techniques must be utilised.
Posted by
Unknown |
6:57 AM
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:18 PM
This is what my dad got, i couldnt find this variation
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:54 PM
I took my solver 0.173 seconds to solve AIEscargot, written in Java, with 2 backtracks.
That second one, it took 0.11 seconds.
Obviously, all you guys that have programs that needs more than one second to solve it need some more programming skills (lol!!)
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:40 AM
Listen to all you guys... The impression I get from reading your comments about how clever you are is that there is an inverse relationship between sudoku skills and how often you get laid
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:02 AM
Did you make a java solver for sudoku? Can you post a link? I would like to see it working, i'm new to programing in java and i have a small algorithm to do in java, i'm going to do it by backtracking.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:24 AM
I solved it by hand! It took me three days man!
Posted by
sandrabong! |
1:51 PM
by the way, there is the answer!
Posted by
sandrabong! |
2:03 PM
Yeah, this puzzle solves very quickly with a brute force solver. Mine had taken 8,911 iterations.. that other puzzle posted as being "much harder," by contrast, took 30,598 to find a solution. I haven't tried to solve it normally yet though, but I would not consider any method of solving that involves anything other than logical deductions as valid (i.e. guesses).
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:38 PM
I agree with Leo. My solver, written in JAVA, solved the "hardest" puzzle in less than a second with ten backtracks. The "harder" one also took less than a second with only two backtracks. If you want to see it in action, go to and click the start solving button on the bottom of the page. You must have popups enabled and you will get a some easy puzzle. Next click the F12 "button" on the right side, which will blank the puzzle. Next...the tedious part...enter the starting numbers by first clicking on a numbered "tile" at the right, then on the sqaure to which you wish to move it. When all numbers are entered, if you entered them correctly, hit the S key and it will quickly solve any solvable puzzle.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:56 AM
Is this really Al Escargot? I found an Al Escargot article and it had different constants. Try solving this in 15 minutes..
Posted by
Canence |
12:18 AM
"This is a sudoku puzzle example from volume three of Sudoku Easy to Hard Presented by Will Shortz."
That's what it says under the sudoku in the article, I solved it in about 20 minutes, then I realised that it was too easy to be one of the world's hardest ^^ Try it yourself and you'll see.
Posted by
Christian |
1:42 AM
There is a great site at to train your brain with challenging sudoku puzzles. It is available in English, Spanish and French.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:53 PM
AL Escargot proved the easiest sudoku on my solver coded in java.
Took only 100ms to solve.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:01 AM
reply to
i solved it in 15 minutes by hand! there are much more difficult sudokus. if a 12 year old with an IQ of 158/160 like me can solve the worlds hardest sudoku, then its not really the worlds hardest sudoku
wow well done!! just 15 minutes
im 15 years with 148 iq
i used 34 minutes to complete that sudoku
Posted by
Unknown |
4:43 PM
people here talk only can win this puzzle within xx minute , but no one can explain , how to do without guessing or using a solver program ,
Posted by
Ericn |
8:44 PM
i made a sudoku solver using c++ and it actually solved this puzzle in less than 1 second
Posted by
rkalhans |
5:43 AM
i made a sudoku solver using c++ and it actually solved this puzzle in less than 1 second
Posted by
rkalhans |
5:43 AM
My sudoku solver solved it in 223 milliseconds.
Posted by
Yogesh |
4:59 AM
I am not familiar with the programming language you have used but it looks very interesting.
I have created a program using MVC++ 8.0 but actually the program is all writen in just c.
I ran this problem 36628 times using my solver looking for all solutions. It took 22 seconds and therefore solved it 1657 times per second.
I am sure someone could improve the code since I have used multidimensional arrays for clarity where I could have simplified for speed.
I would be happy to share the code if anyone is interested.
Posted by
garth |
7:47 AM
update: Now my program takes much less then one millisecond to solve this puzzle.
Posted by
Unknown |
3:26 PM
... Now my program takes much less then one millisecond to solve this puzzle.
Posted by
garth |
3:32 PM
its the easiest puzzle ever
Posted by
10:17 PM
Not hard
If it was, my sudoku solver would take longer (programmed myself), Ive have others that took longer to solve.
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:33 PM
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